Contact Us


Please email us with a description of your cats problem.  We will then contact you to see if it is a problem we can help with. Most problems will require an in home consult. This is because we have to assess the interactions and environment factors that are effecting each individual cat.  A $130 fee will be charged for in home consultation for certain suburbs. This includes a written plan of what was discussed and a follow-up via email or phone.

 We also offer a fee of $100 for up to an hour consult via FaceTime or phone. If you have FaceTime and a iPad/iPhone and you need a consult please send a description of the problem to the email below. If it is a behaviour we can help with an assessment form needs to be filled out and emailed back before a consult is booked in. 

If you have a multi-species household ( e.g. cat and dog) please contact an animal behaviourist for advice.

Certain obsessive compulsive behaviours and aggression may require the services of a veterinarian behaviourist.

Contact us at


‘ I recently contacted “Speaking with Meows” after researching for a Cat Behaviourist on line to assist me with issues I was experiencing with my year old male Ragdoll cat.

I had been trying to resolve the issue myself after reading many different articles on line with my cat Murphy not using the litter tray. He continually would do his business around the litter tray or on a towel. I had also consulted with my vet and tried various ideas suggested to resolve the issue but with no luck. I also have a year old female Ragdoll and was not having the same issues with her.

After contacting “Speaking with Meows” via email I heard back immediately and started the process of working out what Murphy’s issue was with the litter trays. SWM  trainer was very understanding and easy to talk too and kept in contact with me on Murphy’s progress. It did not happen all at once and took several consultations via phone with some set backs along the way, but they always listened to my frustrations and knew what steps to take next. Two months later we have a very happy cat household and Murphy is now using the litter trays which we all rejoiced in. I learnt a lot about cat behaviour, which I found fascinating and has assisted me in creating a better cat environment at home for my fur babies and will be adding to the family soon.

Thank you to “Speaking with Meows” and would recommend their services to anyone with feline issues or for just wanting to understand cat behaviour.

C Price

Perth WA