Creating an indoor house setup for your cat

Local government is ramping up their efforts to stop the destruction of local wildlife by cats. Cats found outside can be impounded  and fines issued to the owner.  If you are contemplating owning a cat you must take into account that it must be kept indoors and provide the appropriate enrichment to keep your cat happy.  The benefits of having a indoor cat include:-

  • Healthier cat and lower vet bills. 
  • Indoor cats generally live longer than outdoor cats
  • Indoor cats bond better with their owners
  • Indoor cats do not hunt wildlife
  • Indoor cats do not upset the neighbours cats 
  • You know where they are and don’t have to worry
  • They don’t bring into the house their hunt
  • Unlikely hood of picking up disease that can be deadly 
  • Cats that have allergies will not eat food from other sources therefore keeping on top of their allergies
  • Being able to monitor litter box problems and get help quick

There can be a downside to keeping a cat indoor, especially  a cat that has been allowed to roam the streets. There will be a transitioning period of two weeks or more to get through while they get used to being inside. 

Cats will miss the stimulation of being able to climb, catch, chase and suntan in their favourite spot.  So you will need to bring all of those things inside for them to still be able to do.

This is where Speaking With Meows can help you. We can help you by putting into place  a plan to follow and setting up a cat appropriate house.  We have pictures and ideas of how to accomplish this. We know where to put resources for an optimum outcome of peace between your cats.

Remember WA Laws require you to keep your cats indoors.  Act now and contact us via our  email.




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