New Year’s Resolution

We are all geared up to make New Year’s Resolutions regarding our families, ourselves and others but have you stopped to include your cat?

Make a resolution now to make them an indoor cat. This way you will have them in your life a lot longer. How about taking time to play with them and invest in some cat furniture. Taking them to the vet for an annual check-up this year. Have they been spayed or neutered? If your cat is obese talk to your vet about a plan to loose weight. If you don’t have a good relationship with your cat make a resolution to work on this.

Does your resolution include adopting a cat or kitten? If so do your preparation beforehand and set up a sanctuary room especially for the new comer to occupy while they become accustomed to their new home.

I also urge you to make a resolution to go and volunteer with a shelter or become a foster carer. It is a great way to meet like-minded people and to share the circle of compassion towards animals that need love and kindness.