Renovating with your cats.

I recently undertook a 2-month long remodelling of my house. This in itself was daunting but also having to look after my cats through a very scary time for them.  I made preparations long before the commencement dates so my cats could get used to not having the run of the house. One thing I made sure was that every tradie knew I had cats and not to go in certain areas. This was reinforced with signage on doors. I arranged to have help when the noise was at its worst, which gave me time to spend with the cats.

So here’s what I did to help them get thought it: –

I started locking them in the bedroom and start feeding meals in there. Each cat had a comfy place to rest and sleep and hide. I sprayed Feliway in the room to help calm them. I also placed numerous litter trays in the bedroom to use, which they did without an issue. I played calming cat music in the background. When the noise was excessive I just stayed the in room with them and reassure them I was there. Whenever a cat came out and sat on the bed I rewarded them with a treat. Their outside enclosure was accessible via the bedroom so they could venture out if brave. I kept their routine the same as far as meal times go. When it was possible to safely let them go into the hallway I did but kept them out of unsafe areas.

Once completed and cleaned I slowly let the cats back into the house one room at a time so as not to overwhelm them. They were very excited and loved the changes made esp. to the kitchen.

With some preparation and understanding you can ease your pets through a stressful time like renovations. Alternatively for some cats booking them into a retreat may be the way to go.