
In order to help solve your cats behaviour problems an in-home consult may be needed. An in home assessment is carried out to try and find the cause of the behaviour issue.  Consult are around an hour long. Complex problems will take longer. Each consult is followed up with a written plan.

We can help you with the below problems:-

  • Scratches the furniture
  • Hates your  partner
  • Fights with your other cat
  • Is urinating/pooing/spraying everywhere and has stopped using the litter trays.
  • Bringing a new cat into the mix.
  • Moving house 
  • Bringing a new baby home and how to get your cat ready for this
  • Setting up a cat friendly house
  • Introducing a new cat
  • Excess yowling

At the first sign of aggression or any other behavioural changes in your cat please consult your vet to rule out any underlying medical conditions. 

There are not quick fixes or guarantees.  Behaviour modification may take weeks or months even longer to see improvements as long as instructions are adhered to. Cats must be spayed /neutered. Every cat is an individual!

If you are wanting to introduce a cat and dog together or are having problems within a multi-pet home, please contact an animal behaviourist for advice. 

Certain compulsive behaviours like overgrooming and pica that have been present for quite a while and have become habitual may require a veterinary behaviourist. Certain aggression may also require a veterinary behaviourist.