Cat Laws in WA

Yes, there are cat laws in WA. They were designed to help curb the influx of unwanted kittens every year and to protect wildlife.  Each cat must be desexed, microchipped and registered with your local shire. Registration can be yearly or for life.

Some shires have cat curfews. Cats caught outside of these hours will be impounded. It can be quite expensive to break kitty out of prison as you may have to pay for desexing, mirco-chipping, daily impound fees and rego before you pick up kitty.

So how do you avoid  your cat being caught – easy, make them an indoor cat. Build them an outdoor enclosure so they can explore the outdoors safely.  Train them to walk on a lead and go for supervised walks.

An indoor cat is not exposed to cat fights, disease, sick individuals (like a disgruntled neighbour) and being hit by a car.

Cats are no longer able to roam freely in society because of council restrictions so adjustments are needed to help them cope with their new way of life.

Let Speaking With Meows help your cat make the transition.



Please contact your local shire for more information on the cats laws in your area.