Cats’ Eyes

Cat’s eyes are like binoculars so an image is seen through both eyes at the same time. They can see in the dark but not completely. They can only see the colours of blues, greys, yellows and greens. Eyesight isn’t as important as being able to hear their prey, smelling and catching it.

Your cat’s eyes can tell you a lot about what your cat is feeling at the time. There are two types of positioning of the pupils. They are:-

Diluted – shows stimulation, fearful and surprise.

Constricted pupils – shows a tense situation that may lead to aggression.

You shouldn’t make direct eye contact with a cat unless you know them well. Usually a cat will make direct contact with another cat when it is displaying an offensive aggressive position usually when engaging in confrontation.

Cats have a third eye called nictitating membrane. It is usually located in the inner corner of the eye. It protects the eye from tall grass. Sometimes it can also indicate a cat is ill.


Cats eyes