Deaf Cats

Do you own a deaf cat or maybe a geriatric cat that is going deaf? The best thing you can do for them is to make them an exclusive indoor only cat. This is primarily for their own safety. Most deaf cats are hit by cars or tragically run over by their owners in the driveway as they lay under the car. Deaf cats don’t stand a chance outdoors as they rely mainly on their hearing for survival.

So how can you communicate with a deaf cat? Through it’s other senses such as smell, sight, tactile, and touch.

In clicker training we use a clicker and reward system. With deaf cats you can replace the clicker with either a small pen torch or hand signals. Like clicker training you need to associate the stimuli with the reward to achieve the desired result.

For example once the cat has associated the torch flash with getting a reward start to incorporate behaviour. Stand at one end of the room and flash the torch and if the cat comes over give a treat. This is teaching the cat to come on demand. It will take a number of tries to get the cat to comply. Thumbs up and thumbs down can be used to signal yes and no.

You can also incorporate target stick training. All you are doing is using a target stick to point to a spot or getting the cat to touch the stick with their nose. This is handy for cats that try to rush out of the door. Teach them to sit at a particular spot etc. You can also use the torch with target training.

Smell is another way to enrich your deaf cats life. Try using Feliway diffuser or lavender essence to promote a calm and relaxed atmosphere. There are a number of cat friendly herbs – Catnip being one of them. Sprinkle it on their favourite scratching pole. Catnip can be used dry or fresh. Try planting a pot of catnip or place a pot of cat grass in a widow box. You can also place treats strategically around the house for your cat to find throughout the day.

Tactile is to connect by touch. Think scratching pole surfaces like cardboard, sisal, rope, carpets and certain fabrics. Toys made of certain material, which could be laced, with catnip. A certain rug they like lying on and scratching.

Touch being the most bonding instrument you can have with your cat. It can be as simple as patting your cat and grooming them with a brush. Not all cats like being patted and groomed but some be trained with the torch and a treats to slowly accept being touched. This simple act can calm and enrich their lives as well as yours.

Please do not flash the torch in your cat’s eyes or use a big light. Always incorporate treats in your cats daily food intake.

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